Meeting 9/18/2022:

It’s been 2 1/2 years since the WSB met “in-person”. While the lectures over this period have been delivered and enjoyed by participants via Zoom, most Wedgwoodians are eager to return to a live venue. So, please join us for the opening of the 2022-23 season with the annual “Bits & Pieces” session, to be held on Sunday, September 18, 2022, at 2:00 p.m. EDT, at the Dedham Museum and Archives, Dedham, MA.

For this popular show and tell format, attendees bring one or two of their favorite or recently acquired Wedgwood objects for presentation and discussion for the audience to enjoy and expand their knowledge. Please mark your calendars and join us in September! This event is open to the public.

Members, please visit the Members Zone for the Zoom link to be posted a week prior to the meeting. If you are not a member, we welcome you to join the WSB. Visit the Become a Member page.