Meeting 11/17/2024:

Remembering Lucille Beeson

The next lecture of the WSB will be presented by E. Bryding Adams, former curator of the Beeson Wedgwood Collection at the Birmingham Museum of Art, Alabama, on Sunday, November 17, at 2:00 pm EST, via ZOOM. A casual talk, Bryding will share her relationship with “Lucille Stewart Beeson – Collector and Donor Extraordinaire”. The Beeson collection housed at the BMA represents the most significant accumulation of 18th century Wedgwood in the USA. Mrs. Beeson always consulted with Bryding before making an acquisition, asking, “Don’t you think we should buy that for the collection”? The popular catalog was compiled by Bryding in 1992. Members will receive the ZOOM link a week prior to the meeting. If you are not a WSB member and would like to join, click onto the Become a Member tab above.