Rubin Sale #5 Result Highlights
The fifth installment of the “Wedgwood and European Ceramics from the Dr. Ellis F. Rubin & Suzanne Borow Rubin Collection” sale was held on October 29th at Freeman’s | Hindman of Philadelphia. It seems the stars weren’t aligned for the consignor this time, as not only did a great deal hammer at well below estimates, but 19% of the Wedgwood lots went unsold (44 of the 237 offered). As the saying goes, past results are not an indicator of future ones. But auction houses are compelled to publish their best estimates based on a recent average of past performance on like items, and/or on unique pieces, what the consignor originally paid. Listed below are some highlights including a few that hammered above estimate. The prices are not inclusive of the buyer’s premium; so, add another 27%. To view the entire sale, visit:
- Wedgwood & Bentley Agateware Covered Vase: $4250 (est. $700-800)
- Black Basalt Vase: late 18th C: $350 (est. $500-700)
- Gilded Earthenware Potpourri: c1885: $300 (est. $500 700)
- Pr Queen’s Ware Plaques: 19th C: $200 (est. $400-600)
- Jasper Slip Vase by Dale Bowen: 2003: $850 (est. $400-600)
- Fairyland Lustre Pagoda Malfrey Pot: 20th C: $5500 (est. $4000-6000)
- Creamware Charger by Alfred Powell: 1929: $650 (est. $800-1000)
- Bowl by Daisy Makeig-Jones: 20th C: $4000 (est. $800-1200)
- Service for 8+ Ruby Tonquin China Dinnerware: 20th C: $1300 (est.$2500-3500)